Kelsey Jurgonski, FNP-C


Practices In: Granger
Patients Seen: Ages Newborn–17

My nurs­ing back­ground has laid the foun­da­tion for pro­vid­ing fam­i­ly-cen­tered, holis­tic care to new­borns through ado­les­cents. As a nurse, I have helped birth babies into this world, and as a Nurse Prac­ti­tion­er, I believe that a patien­t’s health at the begin­ning of their life and dur­ing child­hood influ­ences their health as an adult. I have a pas­sion for watch­ing chil­dren devel­op while con­nect­ing with their fam­i­lies dur­ing the process, and I strive to pro­vide the same type of care I would expect some­one to give to my own grow­ing children.

Clinical Interests

One of the many rea­sons I became an NP was because of the over­whelm­ing edu­ca­tion­al need that I saw in new par­ents. I have a pas­sion for new­born and breast­feed­ing edu­ca­tion, along with pre­ven­ta­tive med­i­cine, health pro­mo­tion, and growth and devel­op­ment. I would also love to pro­vide a safe space for chil­dren and fam­i­lies strug­gling with men­tal health concerns.

Personal Interests

I enjoy spend­ing my free time with my hus­band and our two boys. I love out­door activ­i­ties, and I have always had a great appre­ci­a­tion for phys­i­cal activ­i­ty. I also enjoy read­ing, cof­fee, and Target.

American Association of Nurse Practitioners
Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center
5215 Holy Cross Parkway Mishawaka, Indiana 46545 574-335-5000 Get Directions
Memorial Hospital
615 N Michigan St South Bend,, Indiana 46601 574-647-1000 Get Directions
Central Michigan University Graduation Date: 2012 Degree: BS
Indiana University South Bend Graduation Date: 2015 Degree: BSN
Ball State University Degree: MSN